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How sex dolls influence people to think about sex in 3 ways.

by HHVincent 15 May 2024 0 Comments

We are currently in a period of significant transition and evolution. This change has largely been brought about by our ego development, leading to a state in which interpersonal interaction has become less attractive to many. However, the innate human desire for physical contact persists, giving rise to a fascinating phenomenon: the use of sex dolls as substitutes for human partners.

Now people not only engage in sexual activity with these dolls, but also care for them, bathe them, and generally live with them as they would with a human partner. This innovative approach to meeting physical needs has raised questions about the impact of sex dolls on perceptions of sexual behavior.

The answer is unequivocally yes – sex dolls can affect relationships in three main ways:

1. Sex dolls alleviate feelings of guilt associated with sexual acts, allowing users to see sex as a pleasurable activity. With sex dolls, individuals are free to explore various sexual acts without fear of judgment or repercussions.

2. The emotional investment in a sex doll is typically lower than that in a human partner, leading to a tendency to take sex for granted due to the doll's constant availability.

3. The financial expense for sex dolls is significantly lower than for human partners, leading some to see sex as a bonus rather than an act requiring a monetary investment.

The topic of sexual relations with sex dolls is complex and opinions vary greatly. However, it is undeniable that there is a growing preference for sex dolls over human partners, especially among those who struggle to form relationships.

The decrease in guilt and the increase in willingness to experiment with sex dolls

Using sex dolls to satisfy sexual needs has significant benefits. For starters, it eliminates the need to engage in the sex trade, which often involves exploitation. Sex dolls do not require the use of condoms, thus removing worries about unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

Furthermore, sex dolls serve as morally neutral agents. They allow individuals to explore their sexual desires and fantasies without any resistance or judgment. Whether it's trying a new position or maintaining domination the entire time, you have complete freedom in your sexual experiences. Activities such as BDSM , which may be too intense for some human partners, can be explored comfortably with a sex doll.


Reduced emotional investment and ready access to sex with sex dolls

One of the unique aspects of sexual pleasure is the contribution of the partner, the irreplaceable connection between love and intimacy. Sex dolls can satisfy this need to a certain extent. Once individuals gain satisfaction from sex dolls, it reduces their inclination to chase unattainable partners and lowers expectations in a stable relationship.

Furthermore, sex dolls offer a platform to project one's attraction towards real individuals. Through customization, sex dolls can be created that closely reflect your preferred male or female characteristics. The absence of jealousy or disputes between multiple sex dolls in the same house also adds to the charm.

Reduced financial investment and the attractiveness of 'free' sex with sex dolls

Considering the effort and investment required versus the returns, sex with sex dolls proves to be much more rewarding than with human partners. Pursuing a desired human partner often involves offering gifts or luxuries that can be financially burdensome. In contrast, sex dolls do not require such expenses.

Maintenance costs for sex dolls are significantly lower than the expenses associated with dating a human partner. There are no recurring costs for each sexual encounter. All you need is to dress up the sex doll, prepare the environment and embark on an exciting journey of sexual satisfaction.

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